Muz is a world-traveling mystic master with an internationalreputation, having given guidance for many years in his “SHARING THE QUEST” workshops—on Mantra Yoga, Mystical Awakening, Massage and Meditation—in the UK and Europe. He follows the way of the Universal Mystic—the Path of the Heart—embracing the essence of all traditions, but is attached to none.

In his early twenties (during seven years of vagabondage around the world) an unsought and spontaneous experience of spiritual awakening—known as ‘Cosmic Consciousness’—suddenly occurred, which was to transform the course of his life and consequently the lives of many others. Some months after this ‘Cosmic Initiation’ he came into contact with a spiritual Master who gave him his first ‘temporal initiation’ into a mantric form of meditation called Shabda Yoga (or the Mystical Sound Current.) This was later followed by association with masters of many traditions and subsequent initiations into many forms of arduous spiritual practice and esoteric experience.
Mantra is a profound and practical method of self-awakening, opening and self-transcendence. It is a form of yoga which speaks to the deep organic roots of man’s being by the use of vocalised and mental sound-currents of both audible and inaudible frequencies. These subtle vibrations awaken dormant centres of the brain (most of which are as yet unused in the average being) attuning the psychological, physiological and spiritual faculties to the primordial and sustaining vibration of creation. When we come into harmony with the vibratory rate of sub-atomic pulsation in consciousness (as in deep meditation) we hold the key to universal knowledge and self-healing.
Since the Vedic period of India (at the dawn of recorded history) mantra repetition has been a scientifically replicable practice, which when persevered in, unfailingly led meditators to communion with the Absolute. The subtle harmonic vibrations of chanted mantras, both mental and vocal, act as a cleansing and purifying agent on consciousness. The yoga-rishis (seers) discovered that certain sounds brought them joy and ecstasy, some illumined the consciousness, some brought tremendous psychic powers, profound tranquillity or boundless energy, freedom from fear, or mental and physical healing.
The movements of the soul we experience when listening to fine music or opera (the thrill up the spine at a certain note) is but a feeble echo of the deep nourishment engendered by these sounds. Mantras create a stable core in the centre of our beings, which vibrates in unison with the underlying life force.
It is only relatively recently in the Western world, that it has been discovered that certain music and sound-waves have the capacity to activate cellular healing when played to bodily wounds. And such sounds have been shown to promote a far speedier return to health than by orthodox methods. So it is that medical science begins to vindicate the findings of the sages of millennia ago.
Mantra is known for its vibrant pulsation of subtle healing frequencies which purify both mind and body. Because of its capacity to resonate in consciousness, it is considered by the great sages as the most efficacious method of unburdening the subconscious and cleansing it of residual traumas. As many cancers can be traced back to unfelt feelings blocked in childhood, mantra (with its internal massage of rigid cellular structures) often allows such frozen pains and tears to be released. On occasion even traumas of previous lifetimes have been experienced following a mantra session, allowing students to relive and release past-life memories which previously created hidden tensions in the body.
Thus the use of mantra is that which protects us from the constant mental flow of thoughts, fears, apprehensions and negativities and all the useless flotsam of over-thinking. In short, it protects us from our own minds and and frees us from the pollution of our thoughts.